Tuesday, December 13, 2016

July 25th, 2016

July 25, 2016

Hello Everyone! I love being updated about everyone's life, thank you thank you thank you for all the emails! You all really motivate me and keep me going out here. I feel so blessed to have all the support coming from back west.

This week was a doozy, it was long and hot! Transfer calls were last week and I was called to stay in the same area, but to train a new STL, YIKES. So far so good though! I picked Sister Robertson up Monday evening, and life has been peachy. She is from Holiday Utah and has been out about 10 months. My youngest companion since sister Sheppard!  She looks at me like I am ancient, but I still feel like I have been out about 4 months...

We taught a lot of lessons and saw a lot of miracles with people wanting to meet right on the spot. Those lessons were so inspired because we were literally dying of heat! The temps were high and the humidity was ridiculous. It's been storming pretty badly at night here causing the days to be extremely humid. The forest we usually walk through to get to campus is completely flooded right now. Water up past our ankles. I never thought I would get this type of weather here in Michigan. Everyone just told me it was going to be cold. No one ever said, extremely high temps and monsoons. Yesterday was so bad that when we finally got back to our apartment I started feeling really sick and ended up throwing up because of heat exhaustion/dehydration. So fun. This morning I felt like a train hit me, but luckily the worst has passed.

We have been teaching this homeless guy named Kevin lately, and the first time we taught him it was pretty rough. This is how it went, " Kevin, How have you seen God reveal himself to you in the past?" Kevin: "Through drugs..mainly shrooms."  The lessons started out pretty rough, but lately he has been showing up to lessons drug free and ready to learn. He always does all his homework (reading) and comes with questions. It's amazing what the Gospel can do to people. It can change ANYONE. He is planning is second bike trip to the west coast, so don't be surprised if Kevin stops by our house dad :)

This coming Wednesday we are training the Zone on member missionary work, wish us luck! Our zone needs this as I am sure everyone does. Every member a missionary. That's my commitment to you all this week! Go share the Gospel, because it's just too great to keep to ourselves.


Sister Viehweg

1.we felt a lot closer than we actually were....
2. bugs this big only in Michigan...
3.I have never been so enticed by a fountain before.

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