Sunday, December 18, 2016

August 26th, 2016

August 26, 2016
Family!!!  It seems like it has been FOREVER since I have emailed any of you!  So much has happened in the past two-ish weeks and I HOPE I can remember everything!

Last week was much, much better! God always blesses you after the trial of your faith, haha! Sometimes that can be so frustrating, but it definitely is rewarding. Within the last couple of weeks Sister Robertson and I were able to put two of our top investigators on baptismal date for October 8th!  Lydia and Josh!!  They are both making HUGE progress and I am so excited for both of them. Especially Lydia though.. She will always have a special place in my heart. Her and Taylor ( the less active boyfriend) have been making big steps for the better. They both have a desire to come to church. He really is wanting to baptize her and we are doing our best to prepare both of them for the 8th. I can't believe we are already planning for October, where is the year going??

Tyler, our third top investigator is also making a lot of progress. He is consistently praying every single day, watching conference talks "from the old guy with no emotions" (he is talking about President Monson :)) and reading from the Book of Mormon. Every single meeting he still tries to talk me into going to Saginaw with him to Skydive.  Soooo tempting, but I am strong and say maybe in a couple of months....

Since it's nearing the end of the transfer we have been trying to squeeze all the fun we can in! Two Mondays ago we went ice skating, and this past Monday we planned a Zone P-Day and rented out a rollerskating place and had the entire zone on roller skates for a couple of hours!  It was SO MUCH FUN!

This week was slower, WMU is on a two week break, so once again, campus is a ghost town and we aimlessly walk around and talk to whoever we can find walking through campus. It's been pretty rainy here and it's way too hot and humid to wear rain coats or hold umbrellas, so we basically get soaked every single day. My clothes, hair, mascara are constantly dripping everywhere.

Transfer calls were last night and I received a pretty shocking phone call from President Jacobsen. This is how the conversation went:
      President,  "We will start with Sister Viehweg. Sister Viehweg, we need you to come to Lansing, we need you to open up a new area at MSU (Michigan State University), we need you to train not one new sister missionary, but two new sister missionaries, we also need you to remain an STL, but serve as a SOLO STL and be over half of the sisters in the Lansing Zone.  Did you get all of that Sister Viehweg?  Do you understand what you need to do?"  Me...."Ya Sure Prez...."

The mission has never done something like this before, so wish me luck! I pack up and head to Lansing on Monday. I am really sad to leave the area, and to leave all the awesome investigators, but excited to get a new start on a new campus with two NEW missionaries!!!

I love you all, I pray for you daily, Thank you for the support!  If you are going to send me anything in the next couple of days send it to 4910 S. Hagadorn Rd. East Lansing MI 48823

Peace out K-zoo, it's been fun!

Sister Viehweg

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