Monday, September 7, 2015

August 17th, 2014

Today is officially my 2 month mark. So happy 2 months to me! Also its been raining like crazy here. Flash Floods Everywhere, but we still go out and door knock. Any sign of a raincoat dad?
Last night Sister B and I received a phone call from our mission president.  Sister B's Grandma passed away earlier that day. It's her first grandparent to go so she took it pretty hard. This morning she seems good, but I can tell she's holding a lot in. Keep her in your prayers, I can't imagine what it's like losing someone while out serving.
Okay this week was good!  We have this investigator Paul, who I can't remember if I've mentioned or not. He's in his 50s, really funny Mexican guy.  Anyways, he invited us over to try some of his "Mexican jello specialty."  I'm not much of a fan of jello so I was a bit nervous to try it and oh my gosh it was terrible.  He had taken all flavors of UN-sweetened jello and cut it up into cubes. Then he took sweet and condensed milk and poured that into a red plastic cup. He then had plopped the cubes of jello in the condensed milk and hardened it all. I took one look at the "specialty" and wanted to gag. Of course I had to try it though and it was just awful.  Hahaha!   Sister B was a way better sport than me, she ate the whole thing.  I took 3 bites and couldn't continue.  Poor Guy, he's sooo nice and has a really good heart, but his cooking or "specialties" could use some work.
The other day we were out personal Contacting in a park and we were just walking around when an acorn fell from a tree and landed right on top of Sister B's head. I DIED laughing!  It was the simplest thing that could have happened, but for some reason it made me laugh so hard.  What are the odds of an acorn falling out of tree right on top of your head???  She was not happy about it and was angry at me because I kept bringing it up all throughout the day.  Just yesterday we were knocking doors and I busted up laughing, once again, thinking about the acorn.  We had another elderly lady invite me inside this week, once again she realized her mistake and kicked us out instantly.  I also made the mistake of stopping a lady right in front of a funeral home to try and teach her.  Note to self, NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.  The woman just broke down sobbing saying she was just trying to get to the funeral.  I didn't know what to do so I gave her a piece of gum and said, "God loves you."  Why would I say that???  Haha  I swear sometimes the things that come out of my mouth on doorsteps or while PCing (personal contacting) are so embarrassing.
We were really blessed this week.  We are currently teaching 13 investigators, which is completely unheard of in Bay City.  The Lord is blessing us right and left.  We knocked on this guy's door, he was Italian and from New York, so he talked really funny, and as we were talking he just all of a sudden stopped and stared at us for what seemed like 10 min.  Not saying a word.  Then he said. "You two are young, are you millennials?"   We said yes and he just stared at us for an ETERNITY again. Finally he said, "I think Amy and I would like to come to church"...  Wut?  That was my response, of all the things I could say I said, "Wut?"  Haha, I was so caught off guard!  So George and Amy Giustiniani will hopefully be attending church this week.  We are having dinner over at their house tomorrow and will be teaching our first lesson with them, I'm pretty nervous about it.  They have so much potential and I don't want to mess it up!  We also had one of our former investigators call us.  He was released from jail!!!  Him and his brother both were incarcerated while we were in the middle of teaching them, so it was good news to hear that he was out.
That about sums it up. I'm praying for all of you constantly throughout the day and I miss seeing all your faces!!  My spiritual thought for the week:
Some blessings come soon, some come late, some don't come till heaven, but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.  It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come. -Elder Holland
Love Sister V (no one can pronounce my name here, so I have permanently turned into Sister V)

Contrasting Shannon's side of the wall with her companions

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