Monday, January 11, 2016

December 20th, 2015

Is Christmas seriously happening on Friday??? I just got here! I am loving this Christmas season, but at the same time it doesn't quite feel like Christmas around here. Maybe within the next couple of days it will hit me. Someone in church yesterday told me that you really can't appreciated the true meaning of Christmas until you spend your first Christmas away from home...  I'm not sure if he was trying to make me feel good or what, but hey I'm happy and excited.
So Monday sister Chatman and I received an emergency call from our Assistants that we were needed in East Lansing the very next morning. WHAT?  Okay, so we had to cancel a whole bunch of appointments and head to Lansing the very next morning because We were going to be there until Thursday night!  We arrived in Lansing and Sister Chatman went off to do her business with all the other missionaries going home this transfer while I got put in a different companionship and PCed (personal contacted) students on the Michigan State U Campus.  Oh. My. Gosh. It was rough!  First off, MSU is HUGE.  Literally the entire campus is the size of Provo. It took us an hour and a half to walk from one side of the campus to the other. Second, it was so scary stopping students on campus.  I am not used to talking to people my own age.  It hurts your pride a little bit more to be rejected by a 22 year old college football star than a 40 year old mom.... I wonder why...  I learned a lot.  Thirdly, it was finals week so the whole campus hated you and just gave you the look of "WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO ME--I HAVE TO GO TAKE A FINAL?"  Needless to say I built a lot of character those three days.
Thursday afternoon I went and picked up my baby!  During our Trainer's training President Jacobsen came in and said "For some reason there are a lot of rumors of areas in our mission known as outer darkness.  This is not true.  However, you screw up, and I will find an Outer Darkness type place to put you."  No pressure right??  Ha!  It's pretty funny how they do the whole ceremony of finding out who your kid is and vice versa. They take us into the stake center gym and line all the greenies up on one line and all the trainers on the other side and make us stare at each other for what seems like an an ETERNITY.  Finally, they let you open your packet and you read their name and you run over to them and make them feel super special.  My child's name is Sister Sheppard from Sacramento, California and she is great!  She's the typical California girl and it's hilarious.  She is in for a rude awakening with some cold weather.  It was 40 degrees in Bay City and she said to me, "it doesn't get that much colder here does it?"  Hahahah--ohhhh boy!  I quickly started making her a list of warm weather clothes she needs to have her mom send her.  Other than that she is a bit shy, but willing to work. I don't really know what I'm doing, but I have had a whole lot more energy ever since she came so I know God is giving me a bit of extra strength!  Quick funny story, in her first lesson Thursday night we taught our family Jessica and Mike. After the lesson we got into the car and sister Sheppard turned to me and said, "How do I talk?"  Bless her heart and pray for her and me!  Haha  Wow this is long, I will wrap things up!
Alajuwan is doing okay, we went over and taught him a lesson. He is practically alone all day every day. His half sister is somewhat taking care of him, but we are doing our best to help out. After our lesson we picked out his Sunday Clothes for him. Sunday morning his Sunday school teacher picked him up and the first thing he said was, "I want to say the opening prayer in Primary!"  My heart just aches for this 8 year old.  It's his birthday on Christmas Eve so we are going to bake him a cake because I don't think anyone is planning on doing anything for him.
Last night we went Caroling with some investigators and members and we were LITERALLY GETTING PAID!  People were handing us dollar bills yall!!!  It was so fun!  Maybe I will pick up caroling as a side job this week--jokes.  I would never do that, but I also have never had anyone pay us money for caroling, welcome to ghetto town of Bay City, Michigan. :)
I love you all and I can't wait to skype on Christmas! Don't make fun of me if I'm awkward.  Merry Christmas again!
Sister Viehweg
Libby Campbell Baptism

Funny Sign

Playing accordion 

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