Sunday, November 1, 2015

October 26th, 2015

Hey hey normal civilization, how is everything going??? Sometimes... no all the time, I forget that there is a normal life going on outside of Bay City, Michigan, and then I read everyone's emails and I'm thinking "why aren't they out knocking on doors?" So thanks for bringing me back! Once again it's been a crazy week. Why haven't I gotten it through my head yet that every single day on a mission is crazy? 

This week was great, we lost our car last Wednesday so Sister Chatman and I have been on foot. We clocked out our mileage this time and have been averaging 10 miles per day. Two days ago we decided to do a leg work out, because we are dumb, and I still can't walk normally! Yesterday at church everyone kept coming up and asking us why we were embarrassing.
Paul is doing really well, he loves being a mormon, it's so cute. And he's now helping all the missionaries out. He takes the sacrament to people with the elders and teaches lessons with us. Dad, I don't think you need to worry about getting him anything, he loves online shopping and I'm sure has already ordered everything a mormon could possibly need, including food storage :)
President interviews were this week and that was a little stressful. President Jacobsen holds so much power and still makes me a little nervous. He used to be a coach so he loves all the athletes out here, lucky me, haha. In case any of you are worried, I passed my first president interview with FLYING colors.

Jessica, our new investigator is doing really well. She loves learning about the gospel and asks all the right questions. Makes me feel like im an awesome missionary...HA-HA...  She has been praying a bit, but still feels nervous about coming to church.  Mario, our new Hispanic investigator, came to church yesterday and was a little overly greeted by our Hispanic members. Holy cow, they really know how to welcome a person. Everyone was speaking Spanish and Sister Chatman and I were just standing there awkwardly looking sooo dumb. I took one semester of Spanish in 7th grade, so the only thing I can remember how to say is "where are my pants?" in Spanish. NOT helpful. After church Mario was like, "I haven't felt that at home since I left Mexico." So it's looking promising for him!

Funny stories this week:

Sister Chatman and I offered to help this less active member out at her animal shelter event on Thursday. First off, I hate animals. I think most people know this about me, but if you don't, I really just dislike them. Also Sister Chatman is terrified of dogs because she got bit by one pretty badly in middle school. So as soon as we walked into the shelter we were overpowered with the stench of animals...shocker.  The member, Sister Grimmer, wanted to give us a tour so we started walking around the shelter (this was my first time at a shelter).  The shelter looked like a prison for dogs. Sooooo mannnnny barking dooooogs! It was so loud we could hardly hear sister Grimmer talking. Once I looked over at Chatman and she looked like she was about to cry!  Hahaha-- too funny!  We ended up having to tie bandannas around the dogs which consisted of me getting locked in the cages with a dog, basically wrestling it, while sister chatman watched from the outside. IT WAS TERRIBLE!! We were there for about 2 hours and were completely covered with hair. The cats were even worse, but I don't have time to tell you about them. Stay tuned for next week!  But know that I will NEVER go in another animal shelter again!

More door knocking bloopers:

We knocked on this door and next thing I know a dog is chasing me down the street. FOR ABOUT 10 MINTUES.....I hate animals...

Okay, love you all!  Sorry this is a bit scatter brained, our time was cut again!! 

Sister Viehweg

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